Friday, June 5, 2009

Here is the beast that will take down our house! I was scared when I saw the size and how close the electrical lines were. I told Harley that I was scared and she said "go talk to your flowers and pretend it isn't happening". Wise words!

Bye rose bushes! :(

There she goes!

Even the toilet.

There it is, just a pile of rubble and a lot of fond memories.


Derek-Jenny-Kaitlynd-Ethan-Dylan said...

How cute is Harley! I love that!

This is so incredible...and scary. I can see why you would want to go and talk to your flowers for a while.

karen burnham said...

Remodeling is so stressful but worth it...good luck - I don't know if I would be able to live in small quarters - who am I kidding I know I couldn't do it..if you need a break come and visit. We'd love to see you.

Debra said...

Oh, my gosh!!! I thought you were remodelling...not gutting the place!!! Wow! how cute of Harley...don't ya just love it when kids speak with the wisdom of adults!!!

Salinda W. said...

There she goes, goodbye house, goodbye..... SAVE THE ROSE BUSHES!! :) :)

Anonymous said...


I had no idea this was happening! Oh how sad. That little house has been in your family for a century! I hope you are not too sad. It will be wierd to not see the house there anymore.
Harley, you are so cute!!!

By the way... Tim wanted me to say this: "you know your a redneck when you live in Helper, Utah and hook your washing machine up outside to your trailor to do your laundry!"

Hope all goes well. Good luck. We will be thinking of you.