Monday, August 17, 2009

No pictures this time. Could be because there is nothing new to take a picture of. I would like to say something nice , but, the words just can't come.
What can you say about contractors that show up about 9:30, leave for lunch around 11:45 and still aren't back(it's now 1:55)
I just want to tear into some one and then go screaming into the night!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Hi everyone, this is our neighbor Earlene and I when the floor was put down. I just wanted to dance all over!

The walls have been framed and Gary is all ready dreaming of what it will look like when it is done.

This is our cat Spook. She had to get into the pictures too.

This is looking through the soon to be kitchen into our bedroom. Notice how big the windows are!

This is me (you couldn't guess right?) standing in a space that I have never had before......MY PANTRY!
Now I have to go and clean the basement where the furnace has been moved, all the coal dust. Gary moved out all the old duct work and he was just black!